Norway’s second-largest salmon exporter, Ocean Seafood, has changed out its managing director and hired Espen Engevik, effective New Year’s Day, 2018.
Arne Aashus has guided the company by focusing on

distribution in Asia, Europe and North America. He’ll remain “accessible” to the company and Engevik until the end of the new boss’s first year, a statement said. Engevik has been the company’s supply chain manager since 2011.
Ocean Quality achieved turnover in 2016 worth NOK 5 billion. The company is majority owned by Bergen-based, Grieg Seafood, selling fish from Grieg and 40-percent owner, Bremnes Seashore.
Engevik will preside over an organization that includes 27 sites in Scotland and arctic Norwegian production that boasts direct flights to Asia for salmon.
“By air, we have the potential to reach our Asian customers quicker than from any other salmon farming region,” the company maintains. Supplies from its southwest locations deliver fresh to the U.K. and Northern Europe.
In British Columbia, Canada, the company must balance federal-government supported relations with indigenous people with competing water claims. A hatchery and 21 marine sites must also be managed from Esperanza Inlet to the Sunshine Coast, from where a new brand — Skuna Bay Salmon — has splashed across U.S. restaurant tables as new culinary favorite.