Lerøy cashes in €29.5 million worth of stock at Marine Harvest

Profitable times for the Marine Harvest Chairman, Ole-Eirik Lerøy.

On Friday, Ole-Eirik Lerøy bought one million Marine Harvest shares of John Fredriksen-controlled Geveran Trading at NOK 139.30 (EUR 14.3) per piece. On the same day, Lerøy sold 1.6 million shares in the same company at NOK 179.70 (EUR 18.4) per piece, for a total of NOK 287 million (EUR 29.5 million).

“Now I have been in the company for almost ten years and it has been a wonderful trip. I’m happy with the purchase, I am happy with the sale, and I am pleased with the development of the company, “said Lerøy to the Norwegian newspaper, Dagens Næringsliv.

“First and foremost, I sold shares to finance the option agreement with Geveran. The agreement is approaching the deadline, and in order to realise the sale, I had to sell,” he added.

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