One of the world’s largest smolt plants to be ready by August 2018

Salmon Business

Marine Harvest is deep into the third building stage at its Nordheim smolt plant in Aure municipality in Norway.

According to Norwegian newspaper Tidens Krav, the new plant will be 8000 m2 and the capacity will increase by 2,500 tonnes a year. With the size of smolt being 350 grams, the plant will produce 7.5 million smolts a year.

“This will be an important contribution to our strategy of reducing production time in the sea. It is more than three times the weight of a large proportion of the smolt that is delivered to other marine farms today. The smolts are getting bigger and better,” said operations manager Nils Ole Klevjer.

The new plant will secure seven new jobs, increasing the number of employees to a total of 24 when fully completed.

“These are secure jobs, and all the workers are local. And I know that many have had summer jobs here. This is important for a small society like ours,” said Mayor of Aure municipality, Ingunn Golmen.

The final stage of the construction process is scheduled for August 2018, and the first smolt from the plant will be put into the sea the same year.

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