Order confirms harvesters are trend

Stian Olsen

More Martime has designed “Emmanuel”, a harvesting boat already working in Tasmania, the island where all of Australia’s farmed Atlantic salmon production is concentrated.

“Tauranga was a re-building and not a new-building. Emmanuel is designed as a harvesting boat from scratch,” said senior engineer and project manager, Tore Kjorsvik, to Salmonbusiness.

“Tauranga” has long been known as the first harvesting boat. 

60 tonnes an hour
“Emmanuel” combines shipping and slaughter in the same boat. The slaughter capacity is 60 t per hour, and the vessel can load a total of 220 t of fish.

The vessel has automated lines for the slaughter and bleeding of salmon before they’re fed directly to pre-cooled RSW tanks with a total volume of 330 cubic meters.

«Emmanuel». PHOTO: De Bruyn’s Transport

Orders expected
Kjorsvik said his customer is so pleased he has already announced several more orders from the Kristiansund-, Norway based company.

“It was the customer and ship owner John de Bruyn who contacted us to develop a harvesting boat. He had researched and found out that we had a good reputation in the market,” said Tore Kjorsvik in More Maritime  to Norwegian Tidens Krav.

“We believe slaughter on location will be important in future farming logistics,” said John De Bruyn, CEO of De Bruyn Transport. The family-run company is increasingly focusing on the aquaculture industry.

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