Police called in after shrimp fishermen controntation over hydrogen peroxide use

editorial staff

A shipping company contacted police local shrimp fisherman threaten staff over hydrogen peroxide containers aboard Marine Harvest vessel.

“We do not want crew to experience fear at the workplace,” said the head of the company.

The general manager of the company Haugaland Shipping, Erik Andreas Næstvold, told Nordlys that there has been more confrontations between the local people in Kvænangen, northern Norway and the crew on board the company’s vessel “Fighter”. The boat is operated and owned by Marine Harvest.

According to Næstvold, his captain told him that repeated verbal agressions had taken place, photographs were taken of crew and equipment, and newspaper articles containing threatening statements were published.

“It is sad that situations such as this occur and we do not want the crew to experience fear at the workplace. With the media coverage around hydrogen peroxide this autumn and how the spin of the drug has been, we understand the fishermen’s reaction that a vessel of hydrogen peroxide containers on the deck will enter the fjord,” Næstvold wrote in an e-mail to the newspaper.

Police contacted
Fishermen ask the criticisms against the authorities that make the rules, not the crew who only does their job. The company contacted the police last Friday.

“This for advice on how to deal with such situations. We were told that they should be contacted if similar situations arise. The boat also has increased safety with all equipment and doors locked,” said Næstvold.

Obvious connection
Shrimp fisherman and leader of a local shrimp association, Willy Børge Pedersen, believes there’s a connection between fish farming business and the decline in shrimp stocks.

“This can not continue. Shrimp and chemical lice fighting cannot exist side by side. If farmers are allowed to take our livelihood from us, they must be ordered to compensate for the losses we incur,” said Pedersen.

Communications Manager at Marine Harvest, Ola Helge Hjetland, said in an e-mail to the newspaper that the site is located six kilometers from the nearest shrimp field, and that approved drugs are used in accordance with regulations and guidelines.

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