Police in Denmark warn of toxic emissions following fire at salmon facility

Aslak Berge
Leak of corrosive ferric chloride has coloured the sea red.

“In connection with the powerful fire in Hvide Sande at a salmon factory, there have been discharges of chemicals that have colored some of the fjord water red. The red water can be corrosive to the touch and therefore all surfers, bathers etc. must remain on land,” wrote the Central Jutland Police on Twitter.

Read also: Atlantic Sapphire founder Johan Andreassen on the ‘heartbreaking’ fire in Denmark

“The leak of ferric chloride has been stopped following the major fire. Emergency personnel and environmental authorities are constantly working on site to contain it,” the notice stated, which is also reproduced in German.

Hvide Sande, which is located just north of Esbjerg, is a popular seaside resort and has a large number of German tourists.

In a message to SalmonBusiness, Atlantic Sapphire states that the fire started in the new part of the Danish plant (Langsand 2), where the company had no production or biomass. The loss of biomass was in the old part, where the fire spread to Langsand 1. Langsand 1 had about 200 tonnes of standing biomass consisting of fish to be harvested in 2022.

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