Pressure on small fish, but large fish maintain price

Aslak Berge

Small movements in the market.

“There’s a lot of small fish, 1-4 kg, with significant pressure on small fish. 4+ kg is stable in price,” a trader tells SalmonBusiness.

He refers to the following purchase prices (for farmers) for the coming week:

1-2 kg NOK 48-50 ($4.61-$4.80/€4.08-€4.25)
2-3 kg NOK 56-57 ($5.38-$5.47/€4.76-€4.85)
3-4 kg NOK 64 ($6.14/€5.44)
4-5 kg NOK 66-67 ($6.34-$6.43/€5.61-€5.70)
5-6 kg NOK 69 ($6.62/€5.87)
6+ kg NOK 75-80 ($7.20-$7.68/€6.38-€6.80)

“What’s being flown is well paid,” he says.

Summer Quietness

“It’s actually quite stable, but slightly down on the small fish. The same as we paid this week. It seems like there’s a lot of MTB slaughter. The packing facilities are full. Lots of fish between 3.2 to 3.4 kg, and the market is quiet due to summer. It’s pretty much as expected, really,” he admits.

Late summer has, as usual, been challenging in the market. There have now been four consecutive weeks of price declines.

“1-3 kg must go down since there’s a larger supply next week. I’m buying 3-4 kg at one krone less than last Friday. 4-5 kg is stable. 5+ kg is going up,” says a buyer.

Sliding Down

“There aren’t major changes. Maybe just a tiny bit down. The fish is sliding down,” says an exporter. “It’s not exactly easier to sell. It could drop by a small krone from this week. NOK 64-67 ($6.14-$6.43/€5.44-€5.70) – somewhere around there.”

“There’s a lot of 2-3 kg and 3-4 kg being offered. So, yes, there’s pressure on those sizes,” confirms another buyer.

He refers to the following prices for the most traded weight classes:

2-3 kg NOK 55-56 ($5.28-$5.38/€4.68-€4.76)
3-4 kg NOK 64 ($6.14/€5.44)
4-5 kg NOK 66 ($6.34/€5.61)
5-6 kg NOK 68 ($6.53/€5.78)

Today’s relatively low price levels are considered temporary. Fish Pool’s forward price for September is NOK 72.50 ($6.96/€6.16), rising to NOK 76 ($7.30/€6.46) in October.

SalmonBusiness gathers spot prices for salmon every Friday after lunch, tracking fish to be delivered the following week. This process involves contacting multiple entities in the value chain, including farmers, exporters, and importers. At least five independent sources are consulted, though they may not always be publicly disclosed.

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