Prices: How much fresh salmon will cost this Christmas

Aslak Berge

Price jump for final week of fresh deliveries before Christmas.

“NOK 60.00 ($5.40/€5.10) for 1-2 kg, NOK 70.00 ($6.30/€5.95) for 2-3 kg, NOK 80.00 ($7.20/€6.80) for 3-4 kg, and NOK 84.00 ($7.56/€7.14) for 4-5 kg,” lists one trader, describing the prices he is offering for salmon in the coming week.

“I’m trying those prices, but I don’t know if I’ll succeed,” he adds. “The final week before Christmas is known for price increases, but there are significant variations in delivery—when the fish actually enters the market.”


“Monday shows fairly rising prices, but keep in mind that this is a week with enormous price differences. Week 51 is classic for this. There is far too much packing in Norway, and few customers want fish between Christmas and New Year. If you’re stuck with unsold fish, you have a problem. Monday is one thing, but Wednesday is entirely different,” warns another buyer.

“The airfreight market is okay—it’s functioning decently. Sizes from 2 to 5 kg are complicated,” he says, largely confirming the previously mentioned prices:

  • 2-3 kg: NOK 70.00 ($6.30/€5.95)
  • 3-4 kg: NOK 80.00 ($7.20/€6.80)
  • 4-5 kg: NOK 84-85 ($7.56-$7.65/€7.14-€7.23)
  • 5-6 kg: NOK 95-97 ($8.55-$8.73/€8.08-€8.24)
  • 6+ kg: NOK 115-120 ($10.35-$10.80/€9.78-€10.20)

“Prices are definitely high for larger fish. There is a noticeable increase. Some are paying a bit more for fish in the south on a Monday, to catch an early flight. But few people are looking for large quantities during the Christmas period. We’ve had to decline a fair amount of fish—there are days when it’s simply not practical to pack,” he observes.

A Minefield

“I somewhat agree,” says another buyer, before continuing: “I think 4-5 kg will be closer to NOK 85.00 ($7.65/€7.23), and 5-6 kg will approach NOK 100.00 ($9.00/€8.50). There’s not much of that size available. For 6+ kg, I expect NOK 120-125 ($10.80-$11.25/€10.20-€10.63).”

At the same time, there’s an undeniable sense of “fear of heights” in the market.

“But it must be said that everything after Tuesday afternoon becomes a minefield. For all fish slaughtered the following week, the shutdown during the public holidays looms. We’re steering clear of anything slaughtered after Tuesday—it simply won’t sell. That’s just the reality,” he explains.

This translates to an average price increase of around NOK 5.00 ($0.45/€0.43) from last Friday.

“Yes, it’s a decent increase,” he concludes.

SalmonBusiness gathers spot prices for salmon every Friday after lunch, tracking fish to be delivered the following week. This process involves contacting multiple entities in the value chain, including farmers, exporters, and importers. At least five independent sources are consulted, though they may not always be publicly disclosed.


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