Provincial government is appealing environmental assessment decision for Placentia Bay salmon farm


According to CBC News in Canada, the Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF) says it is not surprised and will continue fighting. 

It was in July that Justice Gillian Butler of the Supreme Court of Newfoundland and Labrador, overturned a provincial minister’s decision to release a proposed Placentia Bay salmon farming project from requirements for further environmental assessment.

Now the provincial government is appealing that decision.

“We know that the province does not want this project or any aquaculture project to go through an environmental assessment,” says Steve Sutton, ASF’s co-ordinator of community engagement.

“I think they are terrified of what will come out if a company is forced to open their plans or open up this industry to the kind of public scrutiny that an environmental impact statement requires.”

Grieg NL, a Norwegian-owned company with salmon farming operations in Norway, Scotland and British Columbia, wants to set up a salmon farming operation in Placentia Bay.


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