Andrey Katkov, co-founder of Vladimir Putin’s favourite Judo club, is behind the project.
Kommersant reports Katkov wants to build a complex for farming salmon or rainbow trout in the Leningrad region with a capacity of two thousand tonnes per year.
500 million rubles (EUR 5 million) will be invested in the project, which is being developed in the face of the EU sanctions against Russia.

Akvatrade (“Акватрейд”) CEO Boris Shevelev told the publication that he didn’t want to divulge what species of salmonoid was going to be grown on the site yet because of “trade secrets”. Though he did say that two thousand tons of fish per year will be raised on land.
“The works will be carried out in three stages, the first of which will be completed in 2021, the third – in 2023. The project includes the construction of a closed water installation complex, in which it is planned to grow fish and engage in their primary processing.”
“This is the production of a complete closed cycle: from an egg to packaged chilled fish, which we will deliver to stores in federal chains,” he added.
Katkov was instrumental in the privatistion of KiNEx (Kirishineftekhimexport), a refinery which becaome Russian joint stock company in 1994. He is also the co-founder of the sports club of the judo club “Yavara-Neva” along with tycoon Arkady Rotenberg. Rotenberg was a sparring partner in judo president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.
Agro & Food Communications Managing partner Ilya Bereznyuk told the publication that he believes that the site will most likely grow rainbow trout due to its geographic location.