Salmon escape near Norwegian-Russian border

Escape from unknown source.

In recent days, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries has received tips about net catches of escaped farmed salmon in the Varangerfjord, in the far east of Finnmark county. The fish is about three kg in size.

The source of the escape is not known, the Directorate of Fisheries reported on Wednesday.

The Directorate of Fisheries wants people who catch escaped farmed salmon in the Varangerfjord to report this. The Directorate of Fisheries is in dialogue with businesses that have fish of the relevant size in the area.

According to updated information on Thursday, it is stated that there is no connection with the escape further west in the county earlier this week:

Read also: Salmon nearing harvest weight escape from Grieg Seafood site

“We are also in dialogue with local farming operators in the Varangerfjord on the matter, and representatives of Lerøy report no irregularities at their locations. Fish shell samples are wanted, and sea salmon fishermen are now distributing shell envelopes in Nesseby. The samples must be delivered to the Directorate of Fisheries’ office in Vadsø.”

If the fish does not originate from fish farmers in Eastern Finnmark, the fish may originate from Russian sites.


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