For the first time in 13 weeks, the most traded weight classes are traded above €5/kg.
A historically weak Norwegian krone provides support for salmon exports – and price.
“3-4 and 4-5 (kg) have gone up, 5-6 and 6+ down a bit. The price gap between the weight classes has gone down,” says one exporter about next week’s salmon price to SalmonBusiness.
He notices there is still high harvest volumes, as it should be at this time of year.[factbox]
Good effect
“The market is okay. The currency is weak, so it helps us well. This is positive for the Norwegian aquaculture industry. We have had a good effect from it this week here, we must say.”
The average price thus goes up from last Friday. The price gap between the different weight classes is narrowing, several sources says.
“There is a clear trend that the big fish (price) is going down,” says another exporter, who does not complain about currency developments. “It’s easier to sell. It is pretty clear that something is helping it.”
“There is pressure on big fish, so I think 5+ (kg) in two to four weeks is at 4-5 (kg) price, I think. 2-3 (kg) takes off, but seems like this is based on harvesting volume,” highlights a trader.
“Same price for 5+ (kg),” comments another trader.
SalmonBussiness’ industry sources outline the following farmgate price level for the coming week:
- 3-4 kg NOK 48-50 (€4.7-4.9)
- 4-5 kg NOK 51-52 (€5.0-5.1)
- 5-6 kg NOK 52-53 (€5.1-5.2)
- 6+ kg NOK 54-55 (€5.3-5.4)