Salmon Scotland adds two new directors to its board

Salmon Scotland has announced the appointment of two new directors to its board.

Ben Wilson, the Managing Director of Inverlussa Marine Services, and Jarl van den Berg, the General Manager of Hendrix Genetics, were unanimously elected to the board of Salmon Scotland at its AGM in Aviemore, Scotland.

Wilson leads the family-owned Inverlussa which is based on the Isle of Mull, delivering jobs on the west coast and helping the local economy. Meanwhile, Salmon Scotland hopes van den Berg will being a “fresh, international perspective to the board” to aid the organisation in increasing its global appeal.

“Our sector is vital to the coastal communities and the Scottish economy so I’m particularly pleased that Jarl and Ben will bring insight from managing highly successful companies which generate local jobs,” Atholl Duncan, Chair of Salmon Scotland said.

“Scottish salmon is an international success story which involves thousands of players. It all starts with high quality salmon eggs and smolts with the best survival, health and growth rates,” van den Berg said, announcing his appointment.

“Aquaculture supports thousands of jobs in rural Scotland, and we are proud to work with salmon farming companies to provide the high-quality vessels and skilled personnel they need,” Wilson added.

Salmon Scotland represents every company farming salmon in Scotland. It also works with members, the UK and Scottish governments and regulators to help shape the regulatory environment.

Read also: Scottish government to directly oversee next phase of aquaculture industry review

The appointment comes after Scotland’s Cabinet Secretary for Rural Affairs and Islands, Mairi Gougeon, announced that she will personally oversee the next phase of the Griggs report’s review into Scotland’s aquaculture.

Speaking at the Aquaculture UK event in Aviemore, Gougeon stated that she will launch a new ministerial aquaculture strategy forum to help “shape and deliver” Scotland’s ambitions for the sector and help address the challenges it faces.

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