Les Toques Blanches du Monde owns Unis Fish Food.
Bourse Direct reports that Unis Fish Food (UFF) has been 100 per-cent acquired by the French brand of premium food products Les Toques Blanches du Monde.
UFF, a southeast-central France company, posted a revenue of EUR 3.4 million in 2020. According to its site, UFF “was founded as a small company in 1989 and now it is one of the best suppliers of smoked salmon, crab and caviar in Europe”.
The company has produce, with salmon sold under the brand “Le Monde Du Saumon”, sold in major supermarkets including Monoprix, Carrefour, Auchan and E. Leclerc.
Toques Blanches du Monde, which has a large retail network, both in France and internationally, sells a wide range of high-end products, including Scottish salmon.
“This operation should initially allow the new group to exceed EUR 7 million in revenue in 2021 and to reach, at a comparable scope, more than EUR 10 million by 2023,” wrote Toques Blanches du Monde.