Salmon tycoons dominate Norway’s rich list

editorial staff
Salmon farmers make up almost ten percent of those listed in Norway’s 400 wealthiest. 

Norwegian financial magazine, Kapital, today published its annual overview of Norway’s 400 richest people. The magazine’s system is not based on tax lists, which struggle to reflect the real value ​​of most companies. On Kapital’s list, the editors themselves have researched and calculated the real fortunes of those featured.

In recent years, as a function of boom times and high salmon prices, there has been a rapidly increasing stock of people from the Norwegian aquaculture industry on Kapital’s rich list. This year, a total of 38 names, corresponding to 9.5 per cent of the total entries, come from the industry.

A new criteria this year is that entrants must have a fortune of at least one billion kroner (€100 million) to make the list.

Placement on the list Name Wealth in billions of kroner Company
1. John Fredriksen 114 Mowi
6. Gustav Witzøe 45.6 SalMar
19. Inge Berg 11.75 Nordlaks
22. Gerhard Alsaker 10.4 Alsaker
44. Ola Helge Holmøy 6.75 Eidsfjord Sjøfarm
55. Helge Arvid Møgster 5.9 Austevoll Seafood and Lerøy
59. Helge Gåsø 5.45 NTS, Frøy, NRS
100. Ola Braanaas 3.6 Firda Seafood
125. Per Grieg jr 3 Grieg Seafood
136. Lars Måsøval 2.95 Måsøval
136. Anders Måsøval 2.95 Måsøval
141. June Møgster 2.9 Austevoll Seafood and Lerøy
144. Lill Maren Møgster 2.8 Austevoll Seafood and Lerøy
144. Camilla Marianne Grieg 2.8 Grieg Seafood
155. Olav Svendsen 2.65 Bremnes Seashore
157. Elna-Kathrine Grieg 2.6 Grieg Seafood
157. Elisabeth Grieg 2.6 Grieg Seafood
162. Roger Halsebakk 2.55 Silver Sølvtrans
163. Brynjar Kristian Forbergskog 2.5 Akvafuture
171. Kjell Haugland 2.4 Erko Seafood and Hav Line
184. Runar Vatne 2.25 Atlantic Sapphire
198. Terje Bondø 2.1 Salmonor
216. Leif Inge Nordhammer 1.9 SalMar
226. Halle Ragnar Sivertsen 1.85 NTS
236. Nils Martin Williksen 1.75 NTS
236. Håkon Kristian Tombre 1.75 Tombre
255. Per Grieg sr 1.65 Grieg Seafood
272. Maria Olaisen 1.55 Nova Sea
272. Aino Olaisen 1.55 Nova Sea
278. Randi Herre Eide 1.5 Owned Fjordbruk
278. Ove Løfsnæs 1.5 AQS
323. Rolv Haugarvoll 1.35 Lingalaks
349. Inge Helge Vassbotten 1.25 Steinvik Fiskefarm and Seaborn
349. Alex Vassbotten 1.25 Steinvik Fiskefarm and Seaborn
354. Hans Kristian Mong 1.2 AKVA group
375. Thomas Johan Jessen 1.1 Kverva
375. Roger Hofseth 1.1 Hofseth
375. Ole-Eirik Lerøy 1.1 Mowi
395. Ulf Ellingsen 1 Ellingsen Seafood

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