Salmones Camanchaca vice chairman: “The price of salmon became the greatest promotion in history”

editorial staff

Ricardo García sees glass half full during year plagued by COVID-19.

Writing in La Tercera, Salmones Camanchaca vice chairman and director of the trade organisation SalmonChile Ricardo García has reflected on the year ahead.

Calling 2020 an “annus horribilis”, he said that the year “will be remembered by many generations as a year of crisis, with profound changes in virtually every order of things”.

On historic low prices, García said he looked at it as a “glass half full” situation. “The price of salmon became the greatest promotion in history and consumers were able to take advantage of to incorporate this superfood into their diets. Restrictions in markets such as China and Russia have also confirmed to us the importance of being close to customers, adjusting formats, products and channels, moving quickly to find those who value the product most at all times.”

He added that projections show that next year the industry will export less: “It will do so in the context of a consumer eager for healthy, nutritious and easy-to-cook proteins and foods, and that will increase their consumption as restaurants reopen and tourism is reactivated,” said García.

Last Wednesday as reported in Reuters, American infectious disease expert Dr. Anthony Fauci said that he foresees the USA achieving enough collective COVID-19 immunity through vaccinations to regain “some semblance of normality” by autumn 2021.


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