Scottish export value reaches record £600Mn

press release

The value of Scottish salmon exports in 2017 soared 35 percent over 2016 to reach a stunning GBP 600 million in value, a sure sign Scotland’s farmed fish brand has made major headway in fish-savvy Taiwanese, U.S., French and Chinese markets.

It’s record value for salmon exports, if not quite a doubling of first-half numbers from 2017. Yet, export tonnage increased, too, by 26 percent, newly released government numbers reveal.

The U.S. market remains the largest for Scottish salmon with sales worth GBP 193 million. After that, it’s France (GBP 188 million), China (GBP 69 million), the Republic of Ireland (GBP 34 million) and Taiwan GBP 16 million. In order of descending volume, it was Germany, Poland, Canada, Belgium and the Netherlands making up the Top 10 export destinations for the Scots.

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“This record-breaking export success of Scottish salmon is a trail-blazer for other Scottish food overseas and a further reminder of the importance of salmon to the Scottish economy and food and drink sector. Our achievement means that young people, communities and local suppliers also benefit from the economic success,” said Scott Landsburgh, Scottish Salmon Producers Organisation, in a statement.

His comment was reinforced by Rural Economy Secretary, Fergus Ewing who said the result was a result of “sectors working together to create a national brand with a global reputation, underpinned by the Scotland Food and Drink Export Plan”.

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