SSC looking for bidders to purchase part or all of company.
In a financial statement today, the Scottish Salmon Company has announced that options are being considered for several formal, non-binding expressions of interest to purchase part or all of the company.
SSC has a market cap of EUR 431.8 million.
The update is in regard to a review that company had about “various strategic options” in order to maximise value for its shareholders as announced on 29 April 2019.

“The Review is ongoing and progressing in line with expectations. Among the options being considered within the framework of the Review are several formal, non-binding expressions of interest to purchase part or all of the Company that have been received by the Company via its financial advisor Daiwa Corporate Advisory Limited,” the company wrote.
“As part of this process, the Company will allow selected parties access to non-public information. No assurance can be given that any specific outcome will be proposed or completed as a result of this process.”

This is expected to be concluded by September 2019. SSC wrote that it does not expect to disclose further information on the development of the Review until the process has been completed or terminated, or if disclosure is required in order to comply with applicable laws and regulations.