Scottish salmon harvest forecast for 2024 revised down by seafood analysis firm

Editorial Staff

The Scottish salmon sector is predicted to harvest 166,900 tons this year, a 5% increase on 2023. 

Seafood analysis firm Kontali has adjusted its predictions for the Scottish salmon sector due to unexpected challenges in November last year.

In a newsletter to subscribers earlier this month, Kontali noted a decrease in confirmed feed consumption in Q3 2023.

As a result, the analysis firm has revised its base case harvest scenario for both 2024 and 2025, accounting for increased losses and lower average harvest weights (smolt yield).

According to the company’s EDGE subscription service, the Scottish salmon sector is predicted to harvest 166,900 tons this year.

This represents a 5% increase over the 159,100 tons harvested in 2023, and 160,600 tons harvested in 2022, both of which were challenging years for salmon farmers in Scotland.

The majority of the additional volume is anticipated to be harvested in September, October, and November, with increases of 15%, 27%, and 14%, respectively, compared to the same months last year.

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