Sea lice levels at their lowest in 20 years says Mowi Scotland; harvest volumes rise 14%

Editorial Staff

Mowi Scotland has recorded a 14% increase in harvest volumes for the first half of 2024, with 33,705 tonnes compared to 29,651 tonnes in the same period in 2023. 

Mowi Scotland has reported favorable conditions for salmon farming this summer, with mild temperatures and cloudy skies contributing to improved growing conditions.

The company has observed a return to normal sea temperatures in 2024, aiding in effective management of sea lice levels, which are now the lowest in 20 years, a spokesperson for the company told SalmonBusiness on Thursday.

The moderate weather has also helped mitigate the impact of plankton blooms and other microorganisms that thrive in warmer waters.

The company has also implemented new technologies to manage potential jellyfish and plankton blooms in their salmon farming operations:

Utilizing bubble curtains, drones, and other sampling techniques, Mowi Scotland is proactively addressing these threats. Training programs have also been introduced to improve microorganism identification. These measures are part of Mowi’s efforts to ensure the health and quality of their salmon amidst early-season environmental challenges.

Sean Anderson, Mowi Scotland’s Production Director, noted, “It’s still early in the challenging summer period, but so far our salmon are faring very well. They are feeding to expected appetite, and we are managing to deal with the minor plankton blooms witnessed so far by implementing our mitigation technologies.”

Ben Hadfield, Mowi’s COO Farming for Scotland, Ireland, The Faroes, and Canada East, highlighted the company’s success.

“The first half of this year has yielded excellent biological results, with salmon harvests across all sites yielding better than 97% average of superior, top-quality salmon, said Hadfield who was on a site visit with Calum “Chin” MacDonald to celebrate the farm manager 35 year anniversary at Mowi

“I was pleased to travel about our farms this past month and meet many of our dedicated farmers, like Chin who is celebrating 35 years with the company, who are very proud of the high quality salmon they are caring for,” he said.

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