Seafood influencer with 400,000 followers and 220 million views joins Mowi

Editorial Staff

One of the US’s most popular seafood influencers, James Sibley, has joined the world’s largest salmon farmer. 

James Sibley, 23, a recent graduate of Northeastern University with a degree in genetic biology, has joined Mowi.

“I’m thrilled to announce that I have joined Mowi as a Junior Key Account Manager in their Raw Materials and Trade department, Sibley wrote on LinkedIn on Thursday.

In 2021, while working at US retailer Wholefoods’ fish counter Sibley began a TikTok channel aimed at educating consumers about common seafoods.

With the success of his channel, he has since grown and directed his awareness and educational efforts onto aquaculture.

To date, Sibley’s channels have over 400,000 followers and more than 220 million views, cumulatively, marking him as one of the largest aquaculture creators online.
@james_sibley An introduction 🐟 to modern Atlantic salmon farming & aquaculture with Mowi. As one of the worlds largest and leading salmon producers, Mowi invited me to Newfoundland to show the world the workings of this vital and expanding industry. Aquaculture isn’t well understood by the public. It’s important that consumers learn about their food production and how their salmon are raised. Mowi’s Blue Revolution plan puts them as an industry leader in terms of innovation and sustainability. There’s too much to cover in this video, so this serves as a bit of an introduction so that you can get a feel for salmon aquaculture if this is your first time seeing it and ask some questions. Follow Mowi on social media to learn more! Link to Mowi website: 🐟 #collaboration #fishtok #seafood #aquaculture #salmon #salmonfarm #newfoundland #atlanticsalmon #mowi #mowiglobal #mowicanadaeast #fish #sustainability #education #farmraised #WeAreMowi #LeadingTheBlueRevolution ♬ I Can Feel It v3 – Nick Sena and Danny Echevarria


“With rising demand and legislative doors opening for robust stateside operations, now is the best time for industry leaders like Mowi to expand their presence in the US,” wrote Sibley on LinkedIn. “This, coupled with their incredible US-based team and my firsthand accounts of their innovative and sustainable operations, is why I’m truly ecstatic to join their new Boston RMT team.”

Sibley’s role as an aquaculture educator through Sibley Media will continue.

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