Seafood People strengthens its team

press release

Recruitment company adds new member.

“We are very glad to welcome Per Håkon Stenhaug to our team. With his extensive experience and network within seafood, and his management and recruitment skills, we have added another great resource for developing the best talent” says Thomas Bakke, Managing Director.

Stenhaug will hold the position of Senior Advisor at Seafood People and will be based in Oslo, Norway.

Before joining Seafood People Stenhaug worked as a Director in the recruitment & staffing company People AS. Represented with 24 offices throughout Scandinavia, his tasks included the implementation of recruitment as a field of expertise within the company, training of staff, management of commercial activities and local offices.

Previously he worked for IntraFish Media and later for NHST, publisher of Dagens Næringsliv between 2009-2014, where he was responsible for Sales and Marketing.

With more than 25 years of management experience, Per Håkon has been responsible for people, projects, processes and results. In the political arena, he has both national and local experience as an elected official and he has held seats on the city council and many boards and committees.

Stenhaug has formal education from the BI Norwegian Business School and Medieråd Instituttet. During 2018 he has completed certification on ability and personality tests at Cut-e and has started the process towards a complete DNV-GL recruiter certification.

“The seafood industry is a vital part of our economy and our communities. I am proud to be working with the talented people who will guide and shape this industry going into the future. Being part of the Seafood People team is a privilege and I look very much forward to the fantastic years to come”, says Stenhaug.

He will start with Seafood People in May 2018.

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