Sernapesca boss appointed to top aquaculture role

editorial staff

Chile President Sebastián Piñera named Alicia Gallardo as Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture. writes that salmon industry-related trade organisations SalmonChile and Consejo del Salmón de Chile have congratulated Alicia Gallardo on her new appointment.

Aquaculture and fisheries body Sernapesca boss Gallardo is now appointed to the higher role of Undersecretary of Fisheries and Aquaculture. The position, previously held by Román Zelaya, includes setting the country’s salmon farming policy.

Consejo del Salmón de Chile executive director Joanna Davidovich told the publication that it values “the appointment of Alicia Gallardo as Undersecretary of Fisheries”.

“She is a professional with a wide track record and knowledge of the aquaculture world, as national director of Sernapesca. We are confident that we will be able to move forward in joint work to boost salmon farming with a competitive and sustainable approach,” said Davidovich.

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