Sernapesca confirms ISA detection at Cermaq Chile Magallanes site

After a routine check, four cages out of eight tested positive for ISA-virus on Tuesday.

The confirmation of Tuesday’s case was made within the framework under the Program for the Surveillance and Control of ISA, Chile’s fisheries authority Sernapesca wrote on Wednesday.

The salmon farmer confirmed on Tuesday that as a result of sampling, positive test results for the ISA virus, but negative to HPR0, were detected at Cermaq’s Canal Bertrand farming site in the XII region

Sernapesca’s National Director Alicia Gallardo said: “Once the presence of the virus is detected, veterinary medical officers of the Service made an inspection to the farming site, located in the ACS 50 B, to evaluate the condition of the fish and verify the Biosecurity conditions. It should be noted that the farming site is in the process of harvest and has not reported any mortality due to the disease, and is waiting for the determination of the ISA variant presented by the farm.”

Gallardo also stressed that the ISA Program aims to detect the agent early and apply timely control measures, in order to prevent its dissemination. Intensive surveillance of the nearby sites, as well as biosecurity monitoring, are currently being carried out.

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