Skretting light up 80-metre silo pink for breast cancer awareness month

Stian Olsen

The feed producers site in Stavanger was turned into the colour to support October’s Rosa Sløyfe (Pink Ribbon) Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“Let’s all be a lighthouse in the fight against cancer and support the important work of giving a gift,” wrote Skretting on its Facebook page.

The “Rosa Sløyfe” campaign is organised annually in October, and is a collaboration between the Breast Cancer Association and the Cancer Society.

The Pink Ribbon Action in Norway is a collaboration between the Cancer Society and the Breast Cancer Association.

It’s been organised every year since 1999 In Norway, but it has its origins in the United States, where American women in the early 1990s demanded bigger grants for breast cancer research.

“October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a worldwide annual campaign involving thousands of organisations, to highlight the importance of breast awareness, education and research,” wrote the site Breast Cancer Now.

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