French supermarket’s salmon sales boosted by algae fed fish

Editorial staff

Norwegian salmon diet produced by Skretting which includes omega-3 EPA + DHA algal oil produced by Veramaris has placed Supermaché in the spotlight in Franche. The salmon has boosted sales and Supermarché Match say its turnover increased by 12.4% in the salmon family alone.

At Supermarché Match, this represents 10% of the turnover of the season. (95% of which is represented by Norwegian salmon) The food developed by Skretting contains 30% more omega-3 EPA and DHA than standard food.

“Building on the success of the partnership with Veramaris on salmon, we wanted to go further by offering trout fed by the same process. This diet has a real advantage both on the environment (by limiting fishing) and on consumers, by providing them with the omega-3 necessary for their health. These two dimensions are very important for Supermarché Match as part of its GOOD FOOD business project, which aims to make our brand the preferred retailer of healthy and tasty food for all, ” says Nicolas Baroux, director of the Tide Sector for Supermarché Match in a press release, stating that the success is not only caused by the sales of salmon, but also trout.

The fish sold are supplied by the company Truite Service, in the Hauts de France where the Match supermarkets are located. Truite Service relies on seven fish farms located in the region to guarantee a daily supply, both in quality and quantity all year round. This approach allows Supermarché Match to go further in its commitment to developing more partnerships with local producers.

SalmonBusiness earlier reported on Supermachés initiative of selling trout feed by algae oil, which should be more sustainable and rich in omega-3 EPA & DHA.



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