“The most ingenious invention since the wheel is the open pen in the fjords, where our Lord provides free water”

editorial staff

Norway should not give up its natural advantages in the competition in the salmon market, says Carl-Erik Arnesen.

On Friday, Carl-Erik Arnesen left the job as CEO of the Hav Line Group. He has taken over the position as Chairman of the shipping company following ex-Cermaq boss Jon Hindar. The Hav Line Group represents one of the biggest innovations in the aquaculture industry in recent years, the harvest vessel “Norwegian Gannet”.

Arnesen has been involved in salmon farming since the early 1980s. At the fisheries section of Den norske Bank, as well as Firda Seafood and Alsaker. He had one of the first jobs at Mowi where, as an operating assistant in 1982, he was was celebrated when Mowi first celebrated its 1000 tonnes a year milestone, Arnesen told MTLogistikk.no.

“It’s nothing more than  what “Norwegian Gannet” can potentially harvest in one day,” he said.

“I have most faith in what is at sea. The most ingenious invention since the wheel is the open pen in the fjord, where our Lord provides free water. We have great advantages with deep fjord and good flow. And we have islets and stones that protect the plants. Not many places in the world have such conditions,” added Arnesen.

However, he does not have much faith in farming on land.

“I do not think it is right to move the salmon on land. It requires large areas and a lot of energy,” he told MTLogistics.

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