“The volume of production from the Isle of Man sites is required less”

Troutlodge mulls move from the Isle of Man.

On Wednesday, SalmonBusiness reported that US company Troutlodge – which is one of the world’s biggest producers of salmonid eggs – said that its main incubation centre and broodstock farm Glen Wyllin trout farm operation on the Isle of Man, UK, was “under discussion”.

Its two facilities on the Irish Sea Island to produce up to 50 million eggs a year – 10 per cent of all its stock.

SalmonBusiness asked Troutlodge General Manager Keith Drynan if the company is leaving the island altogether.

“Over the past two years we have made a number of production improvements and efficiencies at our key sites, and as such the volume of production from the Isle of Man sites is required less, and the production there is during the peak period of egg availability in the market,” said Drynan.

Commenting on the company’s decision not to renew its lease of the government-owned fish farm at Cornaa, which produces spawning crop for angling purposes, Drynan said: “We have not renewed the lease on the Isle of Man Government facility for both the above reason. We are working closely with the Isle of Man Government in the handover process to ensure the continuation of supply of trout for recreational angling on the island through 2020 and beyond”.

Troutlodge uses the facility to serve the European and Middle East markets.

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