‘There wasn’t much cash’, billionaire kid recalls

Salmon Business

SalMar heir, Gustav M. Witzoe, 24, opens up.

In a rare interview with Norwegian business daily, Dagens Naeringsliv, Witzoe opens up about his childhood.

“Papa was a mechanic and didn’t have so much money when I was little. There was never a lot of money under the mattress,” he told DN.

SalMar was established in 1991, or two years before the young Witzoe was born. The young heir to the family fortune has since high school worked in the family business on the island of Froya west of Trondheim.

Read SalMar fortune rises $180 Mn ahead of ramp-up
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The company has been among the country’s largest and most profitable salmon growers since the end of the 90’s.

“He started the company. It’s really something else, when all of that falls into your lap, and you suddenly have responsibility for so many jobs. You can’t just go in and say, ‘I’m going to what I want here’.”

“I’ve been brought up to be humble about money,” Witzoe said.


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