This former platform supply vessel is now a service boat for the aquaculture industry

press release

“Mar Fortune” is the second platform supply vessel that Amar Shipping in Norway has converted to a modern service boat for the aquaculture industry.

The former platform supply vessel was originally built in 2002, but due to the oil downturn, it was later sold.

Now, Amar Shipping, Bjørn M. Apeland’s new project after his exit from Steinsvik, has completely renovated the vessel with new fittings, electronics and equipment.

Previously, Amar Shipping has equipped the sister ship “Mar Placentia” in the same way. This ship has been sold to Cooke Aquaculture in Canada, which is currently in the final phase of installing Optilicer. Cooke also has “Miss Mildred”, which is a ship of the same type and design supplied by Amar Shipping with Thermolicer on board.

Amar Shipping is a shipping company that provides tonnage for various purposes and delivers complete ships ready to carry out assignments for customers worldwide. The company currently has one ship under construction on Fitjar, a 28-meter long wellboat with 200m3 tank capacity. This ship is expected to be delivered in early 2020.

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