Update on when Nordlaks’ second Havfarm will be in operation


The CEO of Nordlaks, Inge Berg, had some news during an information meeting on Hamaroy, Norway, on Monday night.

“We hope to have the farm in Hamaroy in operation during 2021,” Berg told Avisa Nordland after the meeting, which was the start of the process towards an application for the location of the self-positioning Havfarm in Hamaroy.

More than 80 people were present at the meeting at Nordbygda in Tranoy to hear more about the plans Nordlaks has in the area for Havfarm number two, which is self-positioning and completely independent of anchoring.

Although Nordlaks received more negative feedback than positive, Berg was pleased with how the company was received by the local community. 

He told Avisa Nordland that he understood local skepticism about the plans, and that politicians determine how much host municipalities are being accommodated for helping the aquaculture industry. Berg believed the municipalities should have a greater share of the value created by the industry. 

“We chose this location due to the fact that we are already established in the area, and that we can get close to our other facilities. In addition, this is the area we consider to cause the least conflict. Much of the coastal area is already taken and it is not easy to find good, suitable sites. This is a very suitable area and optimal for our concept,” he said.

The first Havfarm which will be anchored on the seabed, is intended to be located south of Hadsel Island, and is scheduled to be completed by 2020.

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