This is why the Chinese offshore salmon farm “Deep Blue 1” was taken out of service

Stian Olsen

Lack of experience from offshore aquaculture means that the company behind “Deep Blue 1” has taken the salmon farm back into maintenance to learn from the production so far.

At the end of April, SalmonBusiness wrote that the Chinese sea farm “Deep Blue 1” was in for maintenance, according to local authorities. The project is a collaboration between the company Rizhao Wanzefeng Fishery and China Ocean University.

PHOTO: Rizhao Wanzefeng Fishery

“”Deep Blue 1″ is currently in maintenance. The reason for this is that this is the first year we are doing offshore aquaculture, and we had no previous experience. Therefore, I chose to take the marine fish for maintenance and make evaluations so that we can determine the future maintenance cycle,” wrote the head of the planning department of Rizhao Wanzefeng Fishery, Dong Wei, in an email to SalmonBusiness.

Before maintenance, “Deep Blue 1” was in the Yellow Sea, 140 nautical miles from the coast, east of the city of Rizhao in Shandong Province. The fish were taken from the sea farm is located in a sea facility located 14 nautical miles away where the sea farm was located.

According to Wei, “Deep Blue 1” be back in place within a month.

At the same time, the company is working with “Deep Blue 2 “, which will three times larger than its predecessor. This sea farm should contain about one million salmon.

“”Deep Blue 2″ has completed planning and design work, and construction will start in the second half of 2019. It is expected that it will be finished by early 2020,” added Wei.

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