Time is running out as locals fear environmental disaster


Six days after the wellboat “Seikongen” was lost in sea, 200 tonnes of salmon have still not been removed from the ship. The companies responsible for the situation are expected to deliver a contingency plan in the next few hours.

According to Soy Chile, two experts from Europe and one from America have arrived at the site. 

“Three experts have arrived, one skilled in marine salvage, another one is a maritime architect, plus one is a chemical expert, and they will prepare a contingency plan that must be approved by maritime authorities and Sernapesca (Chile’s Directorate of Fisheries: Editor’s note). The goal is to avoid a pollution situation and remove all the fish,” said the governor of Chiloé, René Garcés.

Local community concerned 
But the local community is concerned with the delays that have occured.

200 tons of salmon and 67,000 liters of oil are still aboard “Seikongen”. A spokesperson for the community said that urgent emergency plans are needed to prevent an environmental disaster. 

The same spokesperson confirmed that they will take legal action against the companies responsible, for possible environmental damages.

Deadline expired
Regional Director of Chile’s Directorate of Fisheries, Eduardo Aguilera, said Camanchaca can expect reactions due to breaches of sanitary regulations.

On Sunday, the deadline for picking up the fish after the accident expired.

Both salmon and fuel will be removed at the same time, and after these actions have been completed, “Seikongen” will also be removed from the site.

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