Unknown how many fish escaped from smolt production site after tank burst

The tank contained 160,000 smolt.

Monday, the Norwegian Directorate of Fisheries was notified that a tank at the Lianeset smolt production facility in Solund, Western Norway, had burst. According to the directorate, exact figures on how many fish had escaped was still unknown Wednesday evening.

The tank is 11 metres in diameter with a volume of 220 cubic metres, and contained approximately 160,000 salmon averaging 30 grams in weight. The tank was sited on land at the waters’ edge, and the fish that had remained in the tank have been pumped over to another tank.

The facility owner, Lialaks, set out recapture nets shortly after the incident, which have so far caught 919 salmon.

The Directorate of Fisheries Region West has inspected the facility today and ordered Lialaks to count the remaining fish to determine the extent of the incident.


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