Updated traffic light regulation: production of salmon in Norway will increase

Editorial staff

A new regulation made by the Norwegian government determines which districts in the country can boost their harvest. The decision will according to the government result in 23,000 more tonnes of salmon. 

For quite a while everyone in the industry has been waiting for the so-called “traffic lights” from the new Norwegian minister of Fisheries and Seafood, Geir Inge Sivertsen.

The traffic light regulation indicates where and how much salmon farmers in districts of Norway can continue to produce and harvest salmon. In total, the map divides the country into 13 districts.

See the map here

The colouring
Nine districts have been labelled green, resulting in permission to boost the production with up to six pct. Two areas have received a yellow light and therefore the production in these areas will stay unchanged.

Two areas have received a red light and farmers in these areas will have to reduce the production with up to six pct.

The reason for the reduction in these districts is environmental issues and a wish of protecting wild salmon.

“We have a great responsibility to preserve wild salmon in Norway, and consideration for wild salmon is an important part of the traffic light system. Two areas in Western Norway are now receiving red lights because the impact of salmon lice on wild salmon is unacceptable. We will now, for the first time, reduce production capacity in these areas for better conditions for wild salmon,” states Minister of Climate and Environment, Sveinung Rotevatn.



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