Watt progress: Land-based farmer marks major milestone with national grid connection

Editorial Staff

The company has already signed a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) for renewable hydro-electric energy with Landsvirkjun.

Icelandic land-based salmon farmer, Laxey, has announced the successful connection of their grow-out facilities in Viðlagafjara to country’s national power grid.

CTO Hallgrímur Steinsson inaugurated the transformer station on Wednesday marking a significant milestone in the company’s infrastructure progress, the producer wrote in a post on LinkedIn.

The company has already secured a Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with Landsvirkjun for renewable hydro-electric energy, further underlining their dedication to eco-friendly practices.

To ensure uninterrupted operations, Laxey has also equipped its facilities with backup generators.

With six months remaining until the arrival of their first batch at the grow-out facilities, the operationalization of the transformer station represents a significant stride forward in LAXEY’s timeline.

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