“We are considering giving salmon farmers temporary permission to increase the maximum allowed biomass”

Editorial staff

In a press release from the Norwegian Ministry of Trade and Industry, the new seafood minister Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen announced extraordinary corona virus measures for the seafood industry.

“Seafood production is a society necessary function. The industry helps people get food on the table. Therefore, we have a close and continuous dialogue with the industry. We are constantly assessing measures to meet challenges that may emerge in the coming days, weeks or months,” says Odd Emil Ingebrigtsen, who was appointed new Minister of Fisheries and Seafood last week.

The Ministry writes that the demand for Norwegian seafood seems to be present so far.

“However, there appears to be logistical challenges in air travel to Asia and the United States, and delays in land transport to European markets may occur,” the press release states.

“If a situation should arise where the farmers are not allowed to harvest their fish, for example because the harvest or transport capacity is lost, we will also consider giving the farmers temporary permission to increase the maximum allowed biomass. This will mean that they may have the salmon in the sea for a longer period. The purpose is to preserve Norwegian food,” says Ingebrigtsen.

Ingebrigtsen has also asked the Directorate of Fisheries to set up a separate corona virus forum, where the industry and the authorities will gather.

“The goal is that this forum can quickly decide on new measures and any rule changes. It is important to point out that our agencies already have every opportunity to grant exemptions. But one measure may be to provide general exemptions. This will reduce the time spent on applications, which in turn will result in less case processing,” says the Minister.

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