“We can rule out survivors in this instance”

“Whether by immersion or hypothermia, there are no survivors of this episode,” said Rear Admiral Ronald Baasch, commander-in-chief of the Third Naval Zone tasked with finding the missing salmon workers onboard the “Navsur IV” feed barge.

On Tuesday came the news that the Chilean Navy announced that they have found the salmon feed barge “Navsur IV” 106m deep beneath the waves, just under 4km from the north coast of Skyring, Río Verde, Magallanes Region, Chile.

But on Wednesday, Rear Admiral Ronald Baasch, commander-in-chief of the Third Naval Zone declared to Chilean media inclduing ITVPatagonia: “We can rule out survivors in this instance. The search efforts on the surface, with aerial means, the search of the coast that we have done for more than 48 hours, unfortunately, allow us to assume a reality that either by immersion or hypothermia, there are no survivors to this episode”.

Authorities explained that it is virtually impossible for divers to work at that depth. There is a plan to refloat the ship but due to weather, it could not be started in less than 72 hours.

The relatives of the crew arrived on Tuesday in Punta Arenas, despite the fact the admiral ruled out the possibility of survivors in this wreck. The crew have not yet been named.

The company Navsur Transport of the company Soldasur, owner of the vessel “Navsur IV”, which was providing services for the transfer of salmon feed for Blumar subsidiary Bluriver.

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