Wellboat changes ownership for €17 million

Salmon Business

Norwegian companies Salang Laks, Gratanglaks and Kleiva Fiskefarm have teamed up to purchase a wellboat from Bømlo Brønnbåtservice. With this investment the companies want to increase their freight capacity, reports Norwegian newspaper Folkebladet.

 The vessel, which was originally built in 2012 and named ‘Øylaks’, was handed over to the new owners in Harstad (North Norway) just before the weekend. The price tag for the vessel is €17m, and it has been re-named ‘Lifjell’.

“Even though the vessel is five years old, it meets all the current criteria for such a ship, and also criteria that may show up in the next few years. The owners are thrilled with the new boat after having inspected it on Friday,” Ken Rune Bekkeli, chairman of Brønnbåt Nord, told the newspaper.

Bekkeli added that in the next two or three years the purchase of yet another wellboat might be neccesary.

Enlarged capacity

The ‘Lifjell’ will serve all three marine farming companies’ slaughter plants. The new wellboat will provide considerably enlarged freight capacity with its 1,500 cubic metres. It can transport 225 metric tons of salmon: double the original capacity.

The wellboat ‘Nord’ has been sold since ‘Lifjell’ was purchased.



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