Andfjord Salmon have been granted a license to farm 10,000 tonnes of salmon at Andøy, Northern Norway.
The company is building what will become the world’s largest flow through plant for organic salmon farming. The water will be collected from the 170 meters deep Andfjord.
“The vision is to build a future-oriented facility, which provides for sustainable development of the aquaculture industry. Our main advantage is the clean sea water, which enables us to deliver a high quality salmon that the market demands,” said Andfjord Salmon CEO, Roy Bernt Pettersen.
“It feels amazing that the vision is now happening,” continued Pettersen.
Most people are surprised
According to the company, the plant will be escape-proof, lice-free and will not expose anything into the sea for contamination or disturbance. The company has conducted tests and has used consultants and researchers to prove that the plant has low operating costs and minimal energy consumption.
Since its inception, the goal of the company has been to develop the most optimal operation of a farming facility. One that’s sustainable and which reduces energy consumption to a minimum.
“Most people are surprised at how low energy costs we get per kilogram produced,” said Andfjord Salmon, Finance Director, Helge Krøgenes.
Construction to start in 2019
Construction start is set in early 2019, and the first fish will enter the plant by 2020. In the first phase, the technology will be tested in a pool of approx 1,000 tons of production. After that, a total of ten pool units will be built to provide ample space with stable, oxygen-rich sea water for farmed fish.
“The company has secured additional areas for significant growth beyond the first 10,000 tonnes, which could make Andfjord Salmon become the world’s largest flow though site for organic farming of Atlantic salmon,” added financial director, Helge Krøgenes.
“This project seems very exciting and we are looking forward to working together on good fishing and fish health through planning and operation,” added veterinarian, Christine Thomassen, area head of hivision, for the fish health and hygiene services company, Åkerblå.