No further Listeria found at Polish processor BK Salmon

Salmon Business

The Polish Veterinary Office did not find any listeria in new samples from the Polish salmon smokehouse BK Salmon, reports German trade magazine Fisch Magazin.

Four samples of cold smoked salmon and four samples of Gravad Lachs, taken on 31 August 2017, were free of listeria. However, the eight products mentioned above are to be tested again for listeria at the end of their shelf life.

Danish supermarkets
The listeria found in earlier BK Salmon products has also been compared with the variant Listeria monocytogenes ST8, which was identified in food samples from Danish supermarkets and caused the Listeria outbreak in August.

None of the Listeria from the BK Salmon articles corresponded to the variants from the Danish databases. Accordingly, the Danish Veterinary and Food Authority (DVFA) has decided, following this extensive sampling, not to subject BK Salmon products to increased control. However, follow-up samples will very probably be taken.

Listeria outbreak in August
The Polish salmon producer supplied the 600 stores of Dansk Supermarket in Denmark. In August, three elderly people in Denmark were diagnosed with listeria. One of them passed away. However, all those affected had had chronic pre-existing conditions.

The type of listeria found in these samples was identical to that found in two packs of cold smoked salmon from Polish producer.

As a result, 22 salmon products under numerous different brands were recalled from 600 stores in Denmark and some Metro Poland locations.

Dansk Supermarket has since looked for a new supplier of salmon products. The LEH Group, owner of Dansk Supermarket, which also owns salmon suppliers in Denmark, wants a new supplier to ‘restore public confidence with new, good quality products’.


Also read: Danish Listeria outbreak

and: Denmark recalls large amounts of salmon


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