Nueva Pescanova appoints new executive chairman

editorial staff

Abanca sought full control of the Spanish fishing company and processor Pescanova in February.

In a statement, Nueva Pescanova writes that on Monday it renewed its Board of Directors, which will consist of five directors instead of the twelve members it had until now. It has unanimously resolved to elect José María Benavent as executive chairman of the Company.

Benavent was Pescanova’s director was a member of the company’s Audit, Control and Finance Committee. From now on, he will be in charge of straightening the company’s results ahead of a new strategic plan for the next three years. He replaces chairman Jacob Gonzalez-Robatto. Last year, the company closed with losses of around EUR 50 million euros, reported Expansion.

The company is now consolidating its fishing, aquaculture, processing and commercial departments, it added.

In late March, El Pais reported that Spanish bank Abanca took control of Nueva Pescanova after it was announced that it has closed an agreement with Banco Sabadell and CaixaBank 39.8% of its capital. Now after this purchase, Abanca owns 80.46% of the shares in the company.

The Board also decided to renew its confidence in Ignacio González as Managing Director (CEO), a position he has served since February 2016. The new directors now comprised of José Fafián Seijo, Javier Carral, Jose Maria Benavent, Ignacio Gonzalez Hernandez and Marco Nieto complete the corporate governance body.

The company processes salmon (and wild catch fish). Last year, it launched a children’s salmon range for its 20-year-old Peskitos brand. It operates Vannamei shrimp, turbot and tilapia farms.


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