The Norwegian salmon auction is over – these prices were achieved

Sindre Nordeide

Several sources confirmed to SalmonBusiness that the auction is over, and that much of the volume remained unsold. 

There has been a lot of noise around the much talked about auction of production capacity which started on Wednesday, where for the first time a minimum price was set at the auction. 

SalmonBusiness has been in contact with several independent sources with knowledge of the auction. They confirm the following achieved prices/minimum prices (in NOK):

PO6 (Nordmøre and Sør-Trøndelag) 157,300 (€15,730)/121,000 (€12,100)

PO8 (Helgeland to Bodø) 185,300 (€18,530)/109,000 (€10,900)

PO9 (Vestfjorden and Vesterålen) 153,600 (€15,360)/128,000 (€12,800)

PO10 (Andøya to Senja) 135,000 (€13,500)/100,000 (€10,000)

PO11 (Kvaløya to Loppa) 141,700 (€14,170)/109,000 (€10,900)

PO12 (West Finnmark) 100,000 (€10,000)/100,000 (€10,000)

In minus
Pareto today stated that with the auction’s achieved prices, the calculation for the government will be in the minus in relation to what is expected to come in from the proposed resource rent tax.

The sum corresponds to approximately NOK 4.5 billion (€450 million) less into the treasury than the estimate from the resource rent tax.

The proposal for a ground rent tax that will affect the farming industry came from the government on 28 September and has drastically reduced share values ​​on the stock exchange.  

A source with direct knowledge of the auction confirmed to SalmonBusiness that it is over. The source, who wishes to remain anonymous, said that there are large quantities that were not sold.

“It is a disaster,” the source explained.

“We are talking about more than 10,000 tonnes that were not sold in the auction.”

On the other hand, the source believes that at the prices that were set as the minimum price, there should have been more players who should have been involved.

“I believe that all players, with good advisers, should participate at the prices that were set. These are prices that are lower than what was achieved in 2018”, he concluded.

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